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Greta Ruth
The Fawn
1. Famine Months
2. Oslo
3. Full Hue
4. The Fawn
5. In A White Gown
6. By Red Work
7. At The Place
8. The Waves
9. Like You
10. Taut
11. Till the Petals Fell
The Fawn, the first full-length release by folk singer/songwriter Greta Ruth, reflects on the idea that our greatest virtues can also be our greatest vices. Through internal and spiritual work, we have the opportunity to grow toward a place where we are no longer at war with ourselves. These songs were written from 2012 to 2019 and recorded to 4-track tape during the summer of 2020.
released January 29, 2021
music & lyrics by greta ruth
recorded & mixed by zach waldon
mastered by greg reierson at rare form mastering
originally released on corrector records
album photo by jim melcher
album drawings by greta ruth
album layout by sarah dovolos